Rooty Radio

Russ, Darcy, Nonsense

Episode 19: Homo Checklist


This week:

  • Intro tribute is to Darcy’s favorite podcast Never Not Funny
  • Russ takes his bank frustration out on a meandering pedestrian.
  • Hallowe’en Displays
  • Montreal – Veggies vs Fruits
  • Court Reporter:
    • Trespasser trial
    • Homo checklist


Wed, November 4 2009 » Podcast

3 Responses

  1. tva November 4 2009 @ 10:20 am

    This episode was the shit.

    I was listening to this shit and went, “Wow. This shit is good shit. I’ve heard some bad shit in my life and that shit was shit. But no, this shit is the shit!”

    Then what does Russell do? He says I don’t like the word ‘shit’? Shit…that shit ain’t right. I’m down with shit. I love shit. I got my own shit around my house and shit. I take a shit almost every day. I got some cool shit and some really cool shit. I don’t tend to keep bad shit, just good shit.

    I even like all the other words for shit: Excreta, stool, crap, feculence, ,egesta, turd, caca, feces, dung, ejecta, ordure, ejectamenta. All are wonderful creatures in my eyes.

    As I’ve said before, it’s 17 previous discussions of cat shit, stories of cats actually shitting as we’re speaking, cat shit boxes, “Cat Genie” cat shit disposal systems, cat litter used to gather catshit, aquarium pebbles used to gather cat shit, and foods that go into the cat so that when the cat shits the food it shits, the shit coming out of the cat smells like real shit.

    Thankfully, this episode didn’t have any of that in it.

    That’s why it’s the shit.

  2. Darcy November 4 2009 @ 10:29 am


    Excellent feedback!

  3. Russell November 4 2009 @ 11:25 am

    Hey TVA, you’re the Shit! Thanks man for the awesome comment…My face is hurting…

One Ping

  1. Episode 20: Introducing: The Intro! | Rooty Radio November 11 2009 @ 1:24 am